
Jambulat Sarsenov is elected Vice President of the World Petroleum Council



The Kazakhstan International Oil & Gas Exhibition and Conference – KIOGE – is this year celebrating its 25th anniversary. Since its first edition, it has been attended by heads of government and ministers from various countries. In its initial years, the exhibition was opened personally by Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 



Delegation of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) headed by KPO General Director Renato Maroli, has visited the city of Aktobe. The visit has been organized jointly by Akimats of West Kazakhstan Oblast, Aktobe Oblast and the Authority PSA LLP within the framework of interregional interaction and cooperation.  



On March 30 of the current year, a meeting of the Oil and Gas Committee of the Public Council on the matters of the fuel and energy sector and ecology was held. The main subject of this meeting was the issue of a transfer to the competitive environment and to self-regulating organizations of the functions related to analysis and assessment of the risks of harming human health and life and the environment while carrying out oil operations and oil transportation.


On March 16, 2017 the Association of Oil Service Companies of Kazakhstan arranged a business breakfast for members of the Presidium of the Association and executive heads of Tengizchevroil.  More  


The Minister of Energy Mr. K. Bozumbayev, as well as members of the public council, including a member of the Presidium of the Association of Oil Service Companies of Kazakhstan Mr. A. Kudaybergen, were present at this meeting.



KIOGE 2016, the 24th Kazakhstan International Oil and Gas Exhibition, to take place in Almaty from 5-7 October



The meeting was attended by Association team, PSA LLP represents in face of Managing Director – A. Krambaev and Director of the Department of Development of Kazakhstan content – D. Abishev, members of the Presidium, as well as a new member of the Presidium, Deputy of the Majilis – B. Ospanov.



The meeting was held in the capital's center "Qazmedia ortalygy" with direct broadcasts on all central TV channels. All regions were connected by the video conference connection. During the meeting, the Minister of Energy has reported in detail on the work, plans for the development of oil and gas and petrochemical industry, coal and uranium production, electricity industry and environmental protection sphere.



During the meeting the issues on the Plan of the Kazakh content under the 7th edition were discussed, an overview of the current situation on the project was precented, as well as an overview of the construction works at Tengiz.



The expansion projects of Tengiz (FGP) and Karachaganak fields (KEP), also other major oil and gas projects in Kazakhstan was discussed during the conference.



The list of participant was filled by the heads of the leading Polish companies such as: ELPRO-7 (electricity, industrial automation and instrumentation, research work on the development of technology and stonecrops mine water equipment), RAFAKO SA (the largest manufacturer of power boilers) and firms SKORUT-solar (photo panel).



The event was attended by Rashid Zhaksylykov - Chairman of the Presidium of Association of oil service companies of Kazakhstan, Nurlan Zhumagulov - General Director of Association and a Member of the Presidium - Kudaibergen Almas, Chairman of Centrasia group LLP.
