Dear Readers,
We are proud to present you a new issue of KazService Magazine, dedicated to the key aspects of Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry. This edition promises to be highly informative and engaging!

The Highlight of this Issue:
In this issue, we unveil the annual "Top 50 of the most influential people in the Oil and Gas Industry of Kazakhstan" ranking. This ranking has been prepared by an independent panel of experts and offers a comprehensive overview of the key figures in Kazakhstan's oil and gas sector. Discover who took the top of the rating this year and what achievements were the key to their success.

Don't miss out on this unique edition of KazService Magazine, designed to keep you informed about all the important events and trends in Kazakhstan's oil and gas sector. We are confident it will be valuable and engaging for anyone interested in this strategically significant industry!

Sincerely, The KazService Magazine Editorial Team


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