
The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Energy, Akimat of Atyrau region, NC KazMunayGas and Tengizchevroil LLP.



The main issues that was discussed during the meeting were issues on the current status of work on the Code of the subsoil, on signing a contract between NCE “Atameken” and “KAZENERGY” Association to perform the functions of NCE, on current status of work on the Draft Law "On the offset agreements", on training at the expenses of subsoil users, as well as addressing issues related to the formation of the Joint Tax and Customs Code.



Chairman of the Presidium of Association - Rashid Zhaksylykov made a speech about the importance of international cooperation between Kazakh and Malaysian companies. Participants had discussed upcoming projects in the oilfield service industry. Several bilateral meetings between the Malaysian and Kazakh companies were held.



In the new issue of the magazine you can find the interview of Head of Delegation of German Economy in Central Asia, interview of Senior partner of German engineering company ILF Consulting Engineers, an interview about the new rules of procurement of the General Director of "Samruk-Kazyna Contract", an article on the implementation of Eurocodes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and more.



According to with the Law "On Public Councils" and the Standard Regulations of the Public Council, for the period from 9 to 19 February 2016 a competition for membership in the Public Council of the Ministry of Energy was held. 27 applications forms from non-profit organizations and individuals were presented for participation in the Public Council of the Ministry of Energy.



The meeting was devoted to the course of execution of 2nd Article of the Memorandum of Understanding on Future Growth Project, signed between the Government of Kazakhstan and Tengizchevroil LLP.

Also during the meeting the Kazakhstani Content Plan in the 7th edition was presented by the expert group.



The conference was attended by top managers of "KazMunaiGas", "Caspian Pipeline Consortium", "Lukoil-Nizhnevolzhsk", "Kazmortransflot», KMG International, North Caspian Operating Company, Fluor, Shell, Weatherford, Schlumberger many other companies.



During the meeting the issues related to the export customs duties on crude oil and heavy oil products, equipping of production facilities producers of petroleum products without petroleum and petrol stations control metering devices (CMD), the introduction of the offset policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the approval of Work Plan (OGIC) 2016 were discussed.



The main theme of the meeting discussion on the progress of execution 2nd Article of the Memorandum of Understanding for the Future Growth Project, that was signed between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Tengizchevroil LLP on 15th of November, 2013.



The purpose of this meeting was the preparation of the Plan of Measures for the implementation of the Republic of Kazakhstan laws on the execution of the "100 concrete steps: modern state for all "National Plan (Step 97, paragraphs 8 and 9).



 The meeting was dedicated to the construction, manufacture of building materials and housing.

The following issues were discussed on the agenda:

- Proposals on problematic issues for inclusion in the work plan for 2016 year;

- Technical Regulation "On safety of buildings and structures";

- Problematic issues of housing construction.



which was chaired by Bauyrzhan Baibek, First Deputy Chairman of "Nur Otan" in the building of the Central office of the party.



The Association congratulates all the media workers and wishes success, professional development and prosperity to all specialists in this industry.



with Abulgazin D., Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC NC "KazMunayGas", Duzbaeva M., Deputy chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and Magauov A., General Director of the Association «KAZENERGY».



During the meeting the sides discussed the future plans of TCO, the forthcoming meeting of the Expert Group and the rules of the presentations for domestic companies to participate in projects of TCO.



The event was organized by Trade department of the Embassy of Malaysia in Almaty. The Malaysian delegation is composed of companies such as Barisan Samudera Sdn Bhd, D & P Process Services Sdn Bhd, Hadid Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd, Innovative Fluid Process Sdn Bhd, KPG Synergy Sdn Bhd PBJV and Group Sdn Bhd.
