
New edition includes:

- An interview of U.Karabalin, the First Vice-Minister of Energy of Republic of Kazakhstan;

- The extensive section on Norway and its experience in the oilfield services industry, which covers:

* Aninterview of Mr. Bornoy, the Ambassador of Norway in Kazakhstan;

* Interesting articles on the history of development of the oil and gas industry in Norway, written by Mr. Skreting, the Managing Director of INTSOK;

* An article on the development of standardization and certification of the DNV-GL company;

* An article of Mr. Elshibekov, the General Director of "Samruk-Kazyna Contract” on the application of the Norwegian experience in Kazakhstan;

- A section devoted to the machinery building in Kazakhstan;

Have a pleasant and useful reading!




The event was held under the official support of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazMunaiGas NC JSC, KAZENERGY Association, Kazakh Institute of Oil & Gas JSC,’ KazService’ Association of service companies of Kazakhstan and the Machine building Association.


KPO is commencing a new project named Karachaganak Expansion Project Stage 1 (KEP1) which will create additional value for the Republic of Kazakhstan and shareholder companies by optimizing stabilized liquid sales in the period beyond 2020.  More  


The “Oilfield services in Kazakhstan. Prospects for the development”  meeting chaired by K.K. Massimov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan  was held on July 9, 2014 in Aksay (West Kazakhstan region).


Management of KPO B.V., represented by Mr. Damiano Ratti and also the team, responsible for the growth project implementation, development of the local content, contracts and procurement, have participated in the meeting on behalf of KPO B.V. Management of the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan, represented by Mr. D.K. Augambay and the members of the Association’s Presidency have participated on behalf of the Association. 

The issues of KPO B.V. cooperation with the Association’s members, the issues of the local companies involvement in Karachaganak growth project (KEP-1) and the details of the future growth project were discussed at the meeting.

The Forum was organized by the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akimat of the West-Kazakhstan Oblast, KAZENERGY Association, JSC Information and Analytical Center of Oil and Gas, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. and the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan. The following speakers were on the official part of the Forum: Akim of the West-Kazakhstan Oblast, Mr. N.A. Nogayev, Vice Minister of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. M.M. Mirzagaliyev, Deputy Akim of the Mangystau Oblast, Mr. R.M. Amirzhanov and General Director of KPO B.V., Mr. Damiano Ratti. 

The “Petroleum Machine Building” section was moderated by the President of LLP Belkamit, Mr. P.I. Beklemishev. The following persons were the speakers in this section: Director of LLP Zenittechservice, Mr. K.A. Aiguzhiyev, General Director of JSC West-Kazakhstan Machine Building Company, Mr. A.Kh. Akhmedzhanov, General Director of LLP Aksai Industrial Park, Mr. M. Kastonini, Director of Sales in the CIS Countries of Canadoil Group FZCO, Ms. Ye. Fominykh, Head of the Office for Production Promotion of OJSC GazProm Automation, Mr. P. Shestopalov. 

The "Development of High-tech Petroleum Services in Kazakhstan" section was moderated by the General Director of the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan, Mr. D.K. Augambay. In his speech, Mr. D.K. Augambay spoke about the problems of domestic petroleum services. The following persons were also the speakers in this section: Senior Well Servicing Engineer of KPO B.V., Mr. A. Izbasov, Coordinator of the Domestic Market Development Department of LLP Tengizchevroil, Mr. D. Zholdybayev, Technical Adviser of the Well Completion Department in the East Caspian region of Haliburton, Mr. A. Kozhakov, Sales Manager Emerson, Mr. V. Doroshko, Senior Drilling System Engineer of Baker Hughes, Mr. M. Sheraliyev and Engineer of the Downhole Operations Subdivision of Schlumberger, Mr. D. Argynov. 

The exhibition was held within the frame of the Forum. The following companies, which are the members of the Association, presented their stands: LLP Zhigermunayservice, LLP SITEK Caspian, LLP Tesla Tan, LLP Access and Coating, Packer Research and Production Company, LLP Welding Group, LLP Ecos Company, LLP Avencom, LLP Centrasia Trade.

On April 3, 2014, more than 30 members of the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan and the leaders of JSC SB Sberbank took part in the business breakfast, which was held under the Oil and Gas 2014 Atyrau exhibition. Today, the major projects are implemented in the Western region of Kazakhstan. In particular, Tengizchevroil’s Future Growth Project, the construction of the petrochemical complex and modernization of the Atyrau oil refinery. Service companies and manufacturers sign the contracts, but these companies sometimes lack the resources for mobilization and revolving funds.

In this regard, JSC SB Sberbank has developed a unique offering for Kazakh companies concerning the investment in new projects. In particular, during the business breakfast JSC SB Sberbank presented its new financial product: "Contract funding for oil service companies and manufacturers, involved in the projects of Tengizchevroil LLP”.

This service is available to companies participating in the tenders, organized by the large companies, including tenders of Tengizchevroil and its general contractors. JSC BS Sberbank may finance up to 80% of the contract amount of the oil service company and the manufacturer with the oil and gas company, but not more than the amount of the contract prime cost. In addition, JSC BS Sberbank may allocate up to KZT 24 billion to a single borrower with a term up to 5 years.

The most important thing is that the collateral will be presented by the concluded/valid contract with Tengizchevroil LLP, and no more collateral is required.

During the business breakfast, the management of the companies asked a series of questions and expressed gratitude for the business breakfast organization.

The Association is planning to conduct such activities in the future. 


The first part of the Conference included presentations of the following speakers: Mr. M.M. Mirzagaliyev, Vice-minister of Oil and Gas of the RoK, Mr. R.M. Amirzhanov, Deputy Akim of the Mangystau Oblast, Ms. E.S. Nikitinskaya, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Mr. Zh.I. Nurbekov, Director of Contract Agency Branch of Cloud Service LLP, Mr. S.Zh. Keulimzhaev, Managing Director of Business Support of JSC NC KazMunayGaz, Mr. D.K. Augambay, General Director of the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan and Mr. T.I. Altayev and Executive Director of the Association of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan.

Following the plenary presentations, Mr. R.M. Amirzhanov, Deputy Akim of the Mangistau Oblast and Mr. D.K. Augambay, General Director of the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Akimat of Mangystau Oblast and the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan.

Two round tables concerning the issue of Kazakh companies’ participation in the major projects of subsoil users, were held at the Forum.
During the first part of the round table, CNPC-AMG JSC discussed the issues of the local content development with the Forum’s participants. During the second part of the round table, JSC NC group of companies discussed the issue of increasing the local content proportion in the process of implementing the projects of reconstruction and modernization of the Pavlodar and Shymkent oil refineries.

As a result of the Conference, the Agency held a seminar for manufacturers of the products and suppliers of the work and services to explain the main requirements of the RoK legislation in the area of local content to providers of the petroleum companies.

Conference materials are available on the Conference website www.kazneftegazservice.com



In this issue:  
- news of the Association;
- interview with Her Majesty's Ambassador, Dr. Carolyn Browne; 
-interview with Director of the Middle East Branch of EIC, Mr. Terry Willis; 
-interview with General Director of the KAZLOGISTICS Kazakhstan's Transport Workers Association, Mr. Yerkhat Iskaliyev; 
-article about the TCO’s Future Growth Project; 
-articles, dedicated to the technologies of oil recovery improvement; 

The seventh issue of the magazine can be found here: http://www.kazservice.kz/pressroom/publications/


On February 26, 2014, D. Augambay, General Director of the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan took part in the Forum on actual issues of oil production and ways of their solutions, held in Aktau. The organizers of this event were the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Information and Analytical Center of Oil and Gas, JSC Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas and Kazenergy Association. The event was held under the official support of Akimat of the Mangystau Oblast. 

Subsoil users, service companies, domestic and foreign scientific research and design institutes took part in the Forum. 

The experts, who gave the presentations during the Forum, shared information with the participants of the Forum on technologies to increase the oil production in various fields.

On February 27, 2014, D. Augambay had a working meeting with the representatives of Akimat of the Mangystau Oblast. The following issues were discussed at the meeting: signing the Memorandum of Cooperation and coordination of work to engage the Association’s members, working in the Mangystau Oblast, in the projects of subsoil users. 


On March 18, 2014, the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan, jointly with Contract Agency Branch of the Information and Analytical Center of Oil and Gas, will hold the Forum of Petroleum Companies: Oil and Gas: Local Content-2014, Kazneftegazservice-2014 III Annual Conference. This event will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan is inviting the representatives of domestic companies and mass media to participate in this event by registering on the website: www.kazneftegazservice.com


The Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan, as a member of the Expert Group on the development of local content under Tengizchevroil’s Future Growth Project, informs that on the day following the event, hosted by the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan, Tengizchevroil will hold the FGP- WPMP-TCO Kazakhstani Suppliers Forum on March 19, 2014 in Rixos President Astana Hotel. More  

On February 18, 2014 the Rixos President Astana Hotel hosted a scientific symposium -Modern technologies of enhancing the oil recovery, organised by the Union of Service Companies of Kazakhstan together with STC Geoservice company

The topic, discussed at the Symposium, is urgent in view of the tasks on the oil  production stimulation at the fields and attraction of the technologies in this area, set by the government.

STC Geoservice company is a partner of the Russian company Delta Oil Groups, which experts shared their experiences with the audience.

Speakers of Delta Oil Groups included: 

-Ilgiz A.Dyshin:  

Importance of physical and chemical methods of stimulation during oil field development. 

-Ivan A. Marinin:

Adaptation and application of polymer flooding technology in the clastic reservoirs of the Russia’s fields.

-Elena A. Rumyantseva: 

Methodology for selection of optimum parameters for the polymer flooding technology 

-Maxim V.Sudarev:

Specific features of modelling and selection of the enhanced oil recovery technologies, based on integrated analysis systems and new methods for hydrodynamic studies.

STC Geoservice was presented by Mr. Engels A.Alexander, who provided a report on the following topic: 

Assessment, selection and forecasting the effectiveness of pilot sites for polymer flooding at Kalamkas oilfield. 

The representative of the Chinese company Daqing ZaiChuang, Mr. Wu Yangbiao also presented his report on experience of polymer flooding of Daqing oil fields, China.

The national companies were represented at the Symposium in the person of the Director of the Production Department of JSC KazMunaiGas Mr.Suleimen K. Shotikbaev, who welcomed such initiatives, shown by the companies and said that KMG company is ready to support the companies in this regard.

At the end of Symposium, there was the report of the head of JSC ZKMK, Mr.Alibi A. Akhmedzhanov, who described the experience and perspectives of developing the modern petroleum production equipment. Mr. Akhmedzhanov highlighted the willingness and ability of domestic companies to develop the new production equipment for oil and gas, which is demanded by the industry. 

The moderators of the symposium were Mr. Daurzhan Augambay,  General Director of the Union of Service Companies of Kazakhstan and Ilgiz Dyshin, General Director of Delta Oil Groups LLC.

The Symposium will result in a protocol, which will be sent to the Ministry of oil and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of industry and new technologies of RK and JSC NC KazMunayGas. 

Attention! The Union of Service Companies plans to hold a scientific symposium on the Modern technologies enhancing the oil recovery.

Considering the programme for the development of the oil and gas sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Programme), developed in the framework of the State program of forced industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union is planning a scientific symposium -Modern technologies of enhancing the oil recovery.

The aim of this event is to provide the information about one of technologies, aimed at improving oil recovery, related to the tertiary enhanced oil recovery method, based on water thickening and its pumping into the formation. This technology is able to increase the oil recovery factor (ORF) up to 30%.

This event will be held together with STC Geoservice company, member of the Union, on February 18, 2014 year in Astana at the Rixos President Astana Hotel.

We invite you to take part in this event. Participation is free. For registration, please send your details to: info@kazservice.kz 

On January 21, 2014 year, the Karachaganak field, Aksai town (Western Kazakhstan region) hosted a meeting, chaired by M.Mirzagaliev, Vice Minister of oil and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Within the framework of the official delegation the meeting was attended by A. Kudaibergen, Head of the Union of service companies of Kazakhstan, along with S.A. Brekeshev, Director of Department of Gas Industry Development at the Ministry of oil and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Zh.I. Nurbekov, Director of the Branch Contract Agency at the OGIAC; M. Zhurebekov, Managing Director of PSA LLP; M.Karimov, Deputy Akim of Western Kazakhstan region, Karimov and several member companies of the Union of service companies of Kazakhstan.

The management of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating, in the person of Mr. D. Ratti, has informed the audience about the current activities and works at the field, outlined the field expansion plans.

M. Mirzagaliev in his speech emphasized the importance of the issues, related to the Kazakhstani content in the project and the need to create the new production facilities.

The representative of the Union has made a number of proposals on the feasibility of establishing the Council of experts to consider issues of local content in the case of KPO expansion project in and attracting the Kazakhstani companies and consortiums to work within this project.

A. Kudaibergen mentioned that an important issue is the order of the country’s President to establish the oil and gas clusters around the major oil and gas projects and to attract the major engineering companies as the contractors, including the KPO contractors to this process.

On January 20, 2014, in Aktobe, the Union of Service Companies of the RoK participated a meeting to discuss the problematic issues with the company OJSC CNPC-Aktobemunaigas

This meeting was attended by: M.M. Mirzagaliev, Vice Minister of oil and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan; S.A. Brekeshev, Director, Department of development of the gas industry of the Ministry of oil and gas, RoK; Zh.I. Nurbekov, Director of the Branch Contract Agency at the OGIAC; D.K. Augambay,  General Director of the Union of Service Companies of Kazakhstan; M.N. Balmukhanov, Head of business and industrial&innovative development of the Aktobe region administration. 

OJSC CNPC Aktobemunaigas was represented by the management: T.S.Essengulov, First Deputy General Director; A.B. Alkuatov, Deputy General Director; A.Zh. Akhmet, Deputy General Director on Production; Juan Siansun, Deputy General Director on Development; Yang Enbao, Deputy General Director; K.E. Igissenov, Deputy General Director; Chen Tzunsian, Assistant Director; Xu Haidong, Assistant to General Director on Legal Affairs; Yang Guizhun, Deputy General Director; 

Kazakh companies were represented by the following persons; D.R.Bitimshinov, Director of Elcos LLP, S.E.Shumbalov, Turkuaz Machinery LLP; O.V. Voin, Deputy Director of Frackjet LLP; S.Taktamussov, Director of Omas integrated LLP; M.Zh. Abiyev, Director of TH KSP Steel LLP; I.A. Mussin, JSC Kazneftemash, E. Nurkhanov, Vice President on Production, Smart-oil LLP. 

During the meeting the problematic issues discussed were those faced by the domestic companies while working with the OJSC CNPC-Aktobemunaigas. The problems that have been presented to the MOG regarding the operator, were also discussed. Following the meeting, the participants agreed to address the issues and to continue the discussion on a quarterly basis. 

KazService informs that it moved to the new office with the following address
KazService informs that it moved to the new office with the following address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 010000, 3/1, Sauran street, Sarmat, VP-10
Telephone/fax: +7 7172 66-56-34. Please use this information when sending your correspondence and please make the appropriate amendments in your address books. 

On November 28, 2013 the Association of service companies of Kazakhstan organized the first business breakfast with the management of Tengizchevroil, LLP

On November 28, 2013 the Association of service companies of Kazakhstan organized the first business breakfast with the management of Tengizchevroil, LLP. The management of TCO was presented by:

1. Tim Miller, General Director

2. Anuarbek Jakiyev, Deputy General Director

3. Carl Brannen, General Manager, Capital Projects

4. Nurlan Serik, Director for local industry development department

KazService was presented by the following members of the recently established Presidium:

1. Aslan Oryngaliyev, Regional Director of KazService in Kyzylorda region, Commercial Director, FracJet, LLP;

2. Yerzhan Syrymov, Director, Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services Kazakhstan, LLP;

3. Yan Chan, Deputy Director, ER SAI Caspian Contractor, LLP;

4. Firdaus Shabir, Director of Atyrau branch, Global Link Transportation and Logistics Worldwide, LLP;

5. Zangar Salimbayev—Director, Contracts Department, ECOS Company, LLP;

6. Adil Mulkibayev, Director, ECOS Company, LLP

7. Serbolat Shorayev, Regional Director of KazService in Atyrau region, Director, Logic Services, LLP;

8. Almas Kudaibergen, Chairman, KazService Association;

9. Galymzhan Temirkhanov, Deputy General Director, KazService Association;

10. Sayan Kenshimbayev, Advisor to the General Director, KazService Association; of Services Companies

Also the following representatives of the National Chamber of the Entrepreneurs took part at this meeting:

1. Assylbek Jakiev, Director of Atyrau Branch, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs;

2. Abay Zhumagulov, Chairman of Atyrau Branch, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs;

This event became the first ever meeting of the recently elected Presidium of KazService Association with the management of oil & gas companies. During the breakfast KazService presented its activity, informed about the events held in 2013 and shared the scope of work for 2014 and the description of the committees.

As for the establishment of the joint ventures KazService suggested its assistance in finding the local partners for the strategic partners of TCO.

The TCO representatives shared the information on the local content within Future Growth Project, on the policy of the attraction of the local companies and on the list of works to be executed at the first stages. From the other hand TCO advised not to concentrate on FGP only but on the current capital expenses for which the good budget is envisaged. Also, TCO promised to support the development of the local companies. But this support has not to be a tout prix but to be reasonable and justified. This argument was agreed by all the participants.  

On November 1, 2013 the meeting of the Managing Committee on the Program for local content development of 2010-2014 years
On November 1, 2013 the meeting of the Managing Committee on the Program for local content development of 2010-2014 years chaired by the Deputy minister N.Sauranbayev was held at the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The issues related to the 3rd phase of Karachaganak oil field development were discussed at the meeting. In particular, the top management of KPO presented the main directions of the Future Growth Project and issues of the increase in the local content were discussed. The handouts of the meeting are available to the members of the Association upon the request to info@kazservice.kz

On 3 October 2013, the Royal Tulip Hotel hosted the annual General Meeting of the Members of the Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan.
At the General Meeting the representatives of the Association informed the Members about its activity results for 2013, implemented events, about the work of regional representatives and the committees, as well as about the work of KazService Magazine. The General Meeting also included discussions of the issues related to the Association activity in 2014, KazService Magazine media plan for 2014, as well as the action plan.